Get Deposit Return Scheme Up and Running

I've written to the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater MSP,  asking that she reconsider the decision by the Scottish Government to postpone the Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers.  I am concerned about Dundee failing to meet targets for recycling and I recently asked council officers whether the Deposit Return Scheme would make a difference and was told it would be 'extremely positive' for recycling.  There is a target that 70% of household waste will be recycled by 2025, SEPA has recently published figures that show that for 2020 Dundee's percentage of household waste recycled declined to 34.7%.

I am committed to doing what I can to improve the environment in Dundee.  Increasing recycling has to be a priority.  The target for household recycling is 70% of household waste recycled by 2025 the latest figures show that Dundee is less than halfway there.  I understand that the pandemic has impacted on the ability to progress these figures, but we are living in a climate emergency, and we need to take action.
A recent report by council officers highlighted that lack of progress on the Deposit Return Scheme was holding back efforts to improve recycling in Dundee.  Indeed, when asked the Council's Head of Environment said that the Deposit Return Scheme would have "an extremely positive impact on increased recycling rates."  With this is mind I have written to the Minister asked that she reconsider the decision to postpone the introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme.
I want everyone at all levels of government to work together to do all that we can to improve the environment in Dundee and to minimise the impact of actions by people and by public bodies in Dundee which contribute to the climate emergency which we are facing just now.