Support the Right to Food in Scots Law and Please donate to a local foodbank

Recently Dundee City Council unanimously agreed to support the Right to Food in Scots Law and also called for an end to foodbanks.

On Saturday 5 February I will be on the Perth Road at the Sinderins triangle from 10am until 12noon collecting signatures for a petition to support bringing the Right to Food into Scots Law, and Bill to make this happen proposed by Rhoda Grant MSP.  Whilst I want to see an end to Foodbanks in our country I will also be accepting donations of food for the Dundee and Angus Foodbank as a practical way to s

The Foodbank currently needs
Adult toothbrushes
Bars of soap
Size 6 and 7 nappies
UHT Milk
Biscuits/crisp/ snack
Diluting juice

If you are around between 10am and 12 noon on Saturday and are able to make a donation please come and say hello and we will make sure that the donation gets to Dundee and Angus Foodbank on Monday to help local people.upport people caught up in the cost of living crisis at the moment.