Xplore Dundee Visit

Visiting Xplore Dundee with other councillors and Xplore Dundee Staff
Last week along with a number of council colleagues I was pleased to take up the invitation of Xplore Dundee and visit their operation in Dundee.

It was great to hear from Xplore Dundee about their operations and listen to their views on bus services.  It was good to get the opportunity to listen to them.

Some parts of Dundee have an excellent bus service whilst others have a poor service I am keen to find a way to even this up.  Xplore Dundee mentioned their wish to initiate a Bus Quality Partnership with the council and this is something that I would like to look at.  It is unclear why the council has not taken up this offer and I will be seeking a briefing on this.


I want buses in Dundee to be a service.  I think for that to become a reality we need a change in legislation.  The Scottish Government is bringing in a Transport Bill in the next year and that bill needs to give greater powers and resources to local government to direct bus services more.  We need a situation where bus services are just that, services.


People across the city have problems with buses.  In the Logie estate older people want a more regular bus service, in Tullideph Road there are now redundant bus stops as there are at the western end of the Perth Road.  Buses cannot be run solely for profit and we need to find a way to give the council the means to ensure that socially useful services are maintained.