Scrutiny Committee

Wednesday saw a meeting of the council's Scrutiny Committee. There were a variety of interesting reports I asked about how the council organised refunds on debit and credit cards at a variety of council locations. I was pleased to be told that the council is a compassionate council and that if weddings at Dundee Registrars are cancelled then a refund is available.

On the important issue of governance of the Tayside Superannuation Funds I asked about how key stakeholders from outwith the City Council can get involved in the governance of the fund.

With regard to the running of the council's Voluntary Early Retirement and Redundancy Schemes. I asked about the apparent lack of an audit trail in the administration of the teacher's scheme. Teacher early retirement seems to have been focused more on the age of the employee rather than good of the service. It is important that the council offers the best education service it can and that it should not compromise this by losing too many experienced teachers.