Welcome for Council response to Games Industry Inquiry

I welcome the response from Dundee City Council to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into the Video Games Industry. I requested that the City Council respond to this inquiry and I was pleased when the Chief Executive of the City Council agreed to my request.

I am pleased that the City Council has responded to this inquiry. The response highlights the importance of the games industry to Dundee and the need to work together to promote the industry. I agree with the report when it points out that the growth of the games industry has added to Dundee's reputation. I also agree with the report when it points out that tax incentives are required to secure a level playing field. I hope that the MPs who are on the committee will seriously consider the issues which face this industry across the country and in Dundee in particular.

MPs will be visiting Dundee this week to gather evidence and I hope that they will all study the response from Dundee City Council. I am sure that my colleague Jim McGovern MP will be pressing other members of the committee to do just that.

The video games industry is important to the economic development of the city of Dundee and I will be working with my colleagues to ensure that promoting jobs and the economy of Dundee is given a top priority. Jobs has to be a priority right now. Dundee needs to be promoted and I will certainly be doing all I can promote our city and bring jobs and prosperity to the city.

You can read the response of Dundee City Council here.