Dundee City Council meeting 8 March 2010

This evening Dundee City Council and its committees met. The City Development committee considered a very technical report which will allow for some development work for improvements to the railway station. This is welcome news and I hope that we will soon see progress on this.

Prior to the start of the
Leisure, Arts and Communities Committee the Convener, Cllr Bob Duncan, praised all those involved in the refurbishment of the McManus which reopened last week. I also reflected on the success of the re-opening:

'I have visited the McManus: Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum a couple of times since it has been reopened. I have been hugely impressed with the numbers present. It is clear that this is a much loved Dundee institution and that Dundonians have taken it back to their hearts again. I hope that people will visit Dundee to visit this excellent facility.

I want to draw attention to the newly commissioned piece the Walldela Dundee which this committee agreed to commission. I know that there were those who weren't sure about this piece. I stood by it on Saturday and heard many people comment on it. Mostly favourable! I think that it sits particularly well in its setting in the newly created stair well.

I also particularly enjoyed the 'Consider the Lillies' exhibition which demonstrates that the city does have an impressive collection of 20th century Scottish art.

The galleries are bustling and busy and we are all challenged to do what we can to keep it that way.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who supported the refurbishment of the McManus. There are a great many pressures on council finance at this time but as many people have said to me over the last week it has been worth the money and worth the wait. I would like to pay tribute to all the staff of the council who have worked hard to ensure that this project comes to fruition. Well done!'

The committee considered a very interesting report on e-books and e-audio books being made available in the city's libraries. I said, 'I welcome this report. Our libraries are an excellent resource for our city but they must also move with the times. This investment represents a small fraction of the budget for library resources (2.6%). I will be interested to see how popular this service is. I think that whilst supporting this innovation it is important to highlight that reports of the death of the hard-copy book are as the famous author Mark Twain might have said exaggerated. I am happy to support this report. '

The Policy and Resources Committee included reports on Dundee's new Sport and Physical Activity Strategy and a follow-up report on child protection services.